Copyright & industrial property rights

Copyright & industrial property rights

Licence agreements

Copyright protects the author or developer at the moment when the subject of copyright comes into existence. However if it is not protected by necessary legal forms or not registered for protection it is hard to prove that copyright exists. Copyright is accompanied by other rights which are transferable ie. right of adaptation or replication. The aggeement on the transfer of these rights are the licence agreements.

Trademark, patent, designs

If the product development reaches a point which makes the product marketable, or if you developed a technical solution which can be successfully patented, your priority will be your protection from competition before introduction to the market. It means it is time to ensure legal protection.

Voluntary copyright register

If your product or solution doesn't reach the level that can be trademarked or patented there is another way to ensure legal protection. The voluntary copyright register (which can be a technical plan or description of computer programming) establishes a presumption regarding the author and the time of creation. If registered, on those who debate the author's copyright lies the burden of proof.

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After sending your data we contact you by phone or e-mail and give you a preliminary legal opinion and information on the common processes of similar cases and the foreseeable costs. First contact and consulation is not charged.